Rugged Design With Advanced Yamaha Technology
When you choose a Yamaha generator you can be sure that it has been designed to deliver the power you need wherever you may go. Its rugged design can handle everyday use -while the advanced technology gives you clean and quiet power all day long.

Up To 10.5 Hours Run Time!
Yamaha's sophisticated Smart Throttle achieves greater fuel efficiency and reduced noise levels by automatically adjusting engine speeds to match the load. With a 4.7 liter fuel tank, the economical and powerful Yamaha MZ80 engine provides you with up to 10.5 hours of power at 1/4 rated load.
Ultra-Quiet Operation
The EF2200iST is fitted with Yamaha Quiet Technology. Its quiet operation allows you to have a conversation and not even realize it's running. (57-65 dBA)
Easy To Carry & Transport!
The EF2200iST offers high power, sophisticated quiet technology, rich features and a rugged design. It weighs a mere 25 kg (55 lb), and with the tri-handle design is easy to transport.
Need More Power?
If you need more power, the EF2200iST has a convenient Twin Tech parallel function allowing you to connect two EF2200iST units together to provide 30 amps of rated power.